Monday, April 4, 2011
This blog will not be updated from now on
So this blog has been the mirror of the other.
Unfortunately, whereas Posterous automatically adjusts the dimensions of images and embedded videos, this one doesn't. And if the dimensions are too big it then affects the text as well, making it 'run over' the right margin.
This means I have to manually adjust these things all the time.
Added to this is the fact that while I'm the only contributor to this blog, it is actually not mine.
It was started by someone else as a group blog and I do not have any administrative access to it and no-one can remember the required login and password details.
Time to let it go I think.
I'll be turning off the automatic update feature at and future posts will appear there only.
President of the Australian Meteorological & Oceanographic Society on Australia's extreme rainfall
Via Greenie Watch So yes, there has been a moderate degree of warming over the last century, but we are a long way from understanding the climate system in sufficient detail to be ascribing individual weather events to the effects of climate change, despite the efforts of political shysters like the minister for climate change, Greg Combet, and Greens senator Christine Milne to do so. Combet just yesterday: "Clearly, one of the most worrying aspects of climate change is what this could mean for the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events such as droughts, heatwaves, cyclones and floods." Milne trying to milk the cyclone Yasi tragedy for political gain: "This is a tragedy, but it is a tragedy of climate change. The scientists have been saying we are going to experience more extreme weather events, that their intensity is going to increase, (and) their frequency." Well, maybe, but then again, maybe not. The Australian has forced the CSIRO to release a number of papers by way of a freedom of information request. One of those is a paper by researcher Debbie Abbs that points to a somewhat different possible future. Her paper predicts that rising temperatures may result in a fall in the number of tropical cyclones. Despite what the newspaper's headline might suggest, the paper itself did not deal with the possible future intensity of cyclones, though Dr Abbs says that it is "expected" that the intensity of some storms will increase. The paper does highlight though something that we sceptics have been trying to get noticed for many years now, and that is the degree of uncertainty that exists in climate science. The science is by no means settled. So another researcher, meteorologist Kevin Walsh, an associate professor at the University of Melbourne, said he was "preparing to publish research with similar but less extreme findings than those of Dr Abbs." His yet to be published paper predicts that tropical cyclone activity in Australia's north will decline by 20% by 2100, and that the most intense ones will be only slightly more intense. So we can see what a scientifically illiterate 'carrion crow' Christine Milne was being when trying to take advantage of the recent destruction in Queensland, whereas Combet (rumoured to be something of a climate change sceptic himself) talks rubbish he probably at best only half believes. |
Saturday, April 2, 2011
How I lost faith in multiculturalism
Important article by the foreign affairs correspondent at The Australian, Greg Sheridan. It's significance lies in the fact that Sheridan for many years has been one of the foremost proponents and advocate for multiculturalism on the Right side of politics. Back in 1996 he had this to say:
However, in the 15 years since he and his family moved into a suburb next to Lakemba in 1993 things have changed and he has changed his mind.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Zhuchengtyrannus, new Chinese tyrannosaurine
From the Dinosaur Mailing List: David W.E. Hone, Kebai Wang, Corwin Sullivan, Xijin Zhao, Shuqing Chen, Dunjin Li, Shuan Ji, Qiang Ji and Xing Xu (2011) A new tyrannosaurine theropod, Zhuchengtyrannus magnus is named based on a maxilla and dentary. Cretaceous Research (advance online publication) doi:10.1016/j.cretres.2011.03.005 Abstract Tyrannosaurids are primarily gigantic, predatory theropod dinosaurs of the Cretaceous. Here we report a new member of the tyrannosaurid clade Tyrannosaurinae from the Upper Cretaceous Wangshi Group of Zhucheng, Shandong Province, China, based on a maxilla and associated dentary. The discovery of this animal, here named Zhuchengtyrannus magnus gen. et sp.nov., adds to the known diversity of tyrannosaurids in Asia. Z. magnus can be identified by a horizontal shelf on the lateral surface of the base of the ascending process, and a rounded notch in the anterior margin of the maxillary fenestra. Several additional features contribute to a unique combination of character states that serves to further distinguish Z.magnus from other taxa. Comparisons with other tyrannosaurids suggest that Zhuchengtyrannus was a very large theropod, comparable in size to both Tarbosaurus and Tyrannosaurus. |
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Michael Yon: Calling BULLSHIT on Rolling Stone
The rest here. |
Monday, March 28, 2011
I see that Mirrabooka Square shopping centre was a proud participant in Earth Hour
It closes at 5pm on Saturdays. |
Sunday, March 27, 2011
'I abhor Earth Hour...It celebrates ignorance, poverty and backwardness'
Saturday, March 26, 2011
The Guardian: How we engineered the food crisis
Despite paid agenda driven bloviations of "Climate-driven food insecurity", even environmental media king The Guardian sees the real reasons behind it, and it isn’t global warming aka “climate change”. Instead, blame gets squarely placed on weather, a new virulent strain of wheat rust, the U.N.’s policies related to GM regulation, shifting economies, and biofuels. The whole post here. |
Friday, March 25, 2011
That right kiddies, it was two declines that were hidden, not just one
From you know who.
But with the government and the green movement increasing their efforts to slime and smear those who point to the actual science, like this, as akin to the Luddites motivated by fear and anger, it is important for people to step back and consider just how incomplete our understanding of how the climate works is, and just how great the uncertainties are. This ultimately relates to the now infamous Hockey Stick, which purported to show a thousand years of relatively constant climate before the middle of the 19th Century. So you can see why they fiddled with the graph to remove the "inconvenient" data. The still best explanation of the scientific fraud lying behind the Hockey Stick and how it was, against the will and active interference of much of the climate science establishment, exposed is this. |
Whiteman's dreaming - the terrible failure of the Left's aboriginal policies
So, maybe we're are now entering the endgame of the decades long experiment in the middle-class white fantasy that separatism was a viable strategy for aboriginal people in Australia. This fantasy, that "spiritual" native people could viably return to and maintain a stone age culture and lifestyle in modern Australia was always doomed to failure. This fantasy of well meaning members of the white elite, whose own children were sent to the best private schools money could buy to prepare them for stellar careers in the law and medicine, has doomed generations of aboriginal children to lives of squalor and degradation as they sit out in the middle of nowhere, with nothing to do, other than to go mad. The traditional life basically ended many years ago. It was never going to be revived. So people sat down and waited for their sit-down money, bored out of their minds. And some people are surprised this ended in a social catastrophe? Gary Johns, a special minister of state in the Keating Labor government, has written a book that is hopefully the death knell of this nightmare of good intentions gone horribly wrong - Aboriginal Self-Determination: The Whiteman's Dream by Gary Johns (Connor Court Publishing, $29.95). The Weekend Australian, (yes, you can almost hear certain minds slamming shut while telling themselves they are so clever with their talk of the LOLstralian), has the first of several edited extracts from the book today. Here's a taste:
Truly a case of read and weep. Weep for the lives of so many children destroyed before they ever had a chance to turn whatever their dreams may have been, to be a doctor or have a nice house, whatever, into reality. For kids - and it is happening right now out in the remote communities (and sadly in not so remote ones too) - being subjected to a level of degradation and abuse almost beyond imagining. For desperate women, on the receiving end of often savage beatings from their menfolk, still trying to protect their young children being used as disposable sexual commodities. In some areas they do everything they can to prevent men from taking young boys out into the desert for "initiation" ceremonies, knowing exactly what will really initiated into. Some of us more conservative people have recently been derided, in another context, for being "angry." Well, too-right I'm angry. I'm seething with anger at yet another avoidable policy cluster-fuck. One that was predictable, predicted and vindicated. But I can't even summon a hint of schadenfreude here. Being proved right still means a story of human misery and lost opportunity too sad to crow over. |
Great cockpit footage Of Tornado GR4 sortie over Libya
Tumescent. But some great aerial footage of two Tornadoes from the Royal Air Force en route to Libya, including refuelling from a soon to disappear VC-10 tanker. You can see what a versatile aircraft this supposed "Cold-War relic" has become, with its mixed warload of Litening III advanced targetting pod, Paveway IV bombs (relatively small guided munitions designed to minimise collateral damage), and duel-seeker mode Brimstone anti-armor missiles. |
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Tweet of the day
Saturday, March 19, 2011
The absurdity of Garnaut's carbon tax position summed up in just a few words
@Dan_J_Thorpe Tax cuts to counter a tax that is supposed to make things more expensive. From the Twitters. |
Excellent chart about understanding radiation doses But life has been dealing with constant exposure to radiation since it began over 3 billion years ago. As there is no such thing as a toxic substance, only a toxic dose, so to with radiation. |
Friday, March 18, 2011
The Roots of the Vaccine Panic
More here. |
Speaking of turkeys waiting for Christmas, Der Spiegel: Is Environmentalism Really Working?
In economics, it's called the law of diminishing marginal utility. The first glass of water you drink will help a lot to quench your thirst. The second will help a little less and so on. By the 10th glass you will be feeling unpleasantly full or even sick. That's the worst aspect: some major environmental policies aren't just ineffective -- they are counterproductive. |
"You're not allowed to do this in science." Must see video explaining the deception behind "hide the decline"
Berkeley professor of physics Richard Muller expresses his disgust at what, (in my view), can only be described as the scientific fraud behind the signature image of global warming alarmism, the Hockey Stick. For the record, Professor Muller in not a "climate denier," (and has there ever been a more egregious example of dishonest smearing of opponents than this absurd and idiotic term?). As do we all, he accepts that carbon dioxide is indeed a greenhouse gas and that human beings increasing the amount of that gas in the atmosphere must have some effect. Not that that is the question at issue, (though you wouldn't think so going by the hysterical carry-on of the alarmists). The question is simply this - what will be the effect of a doubling of CO2 over pre-industrial levels, ie what is the 'climate sensitivity' of CO2? The answer is that we really don't know, but that there is precious little (if any) evidence to justify the irrational panic that has become associated with climate change. Watch and make up your own minds, but I'll ask you this: after watching it, will you ever trust the core group of climate scientists associated with the Climategate scandal again? For me, the answer to that question has to be no. |
Are we just turkeys, looking forward to Christmas?
Friday, March 11, 2011
Africa Fighting Malaria returns fire on Tim Lambert