Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Did Sarah Palin kill Michael Jackson?

A woman has a "theory" and just wants to "put it out there."
Possibly the crowning example of Palin Derangement Syndrome.
FEMALE CALLER (31:50): He (Michael Jackson) is truly the soundtrack of my life. I also have a theory about Sarah Palin as well and I’m going to put it out there on radio, hopefully someone can investigate.
But, I think maybe she did something to Michael Jackson. Maybe there’s a scandal there. Maybe she’s stepping down because something’s about to come out. I don’t know, but I’m gonna just put it out there on your show so we’ll see.
SHARPTON: All right, thank you for your call, Ashley. That’s interesting. I’ll put it out, we’ll see. I don’t know.
Wow, it's all there isn't it?
"I think maybe she did something"
"Maybe there’s a scandal there"
"Maybe she’s stepping down because"
But as we've seen with Mrs Palin, "maybe" has always been enough for her demented critics.
This isn't to say that she is beyond criticism or has what it takes for an office like the United States presidency (which I suspect she doesn't).
However, the nature of the criticism heaped upon her has been so insane and unhinged, shot through with the kind of personal vindictiveness and nastiness that only "progressives" seem to be able to summon, that it is difficult for any fair person not to leap to her defence.
And it gives you a real measure of these people that several of them, including Crikey's creepy Guy Rundle, have thought nothing of attacking her children as a way of getting at her.
What makes the Left such vicious haters?

Posted via email from Garth's posterous

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