Wednesday, August 12, 2009

"I have met a lot of unpleasant people in the course of my life, but..."

Recently Jonathan Manthorpe, a writer for the Vancouver Sun newspaper, wrote an article expressing qualified agreement with some of the arguments against GW raised by Ian Plimer in his book Heaven and Earth. In a follow up article, on 5 August 2009, Manthorpe reported that he had received around 100 e-mails about his Plimer piece. About two-thirds were from ordinary people who agreed with Plimer. Another healthy portion was from scientists who agreed with Plimer’s overall contention about natural variabilities in climate on which humans have little or no influence. However, they disputed various specific claims and details made by him.

Manthorpe also noted that, “…the disturbing letters were from the scientist believers in man-man global warming.” He then went on to say, “I have met a lot of unpleasant people in the course of my life, but I have never seen such a torrent of nasty, arrogant and downright stupid abuse as has been aimed at me this week by people who aggressively sign themselves "PhD" as though it were a mark of divine right that is beyond challenge or question.”

The recent but largely unreported trend of global cooling has become increasingly hard for warmers to deny or explain away, and there is increasing evidence that various other core elements of the GW hypothesis are incorrect. In the face of failing claims and prophesies, the prophets of GW are becoming more and more strident and apocalyptic . The cooler it gets the shriller their cries of warning about warming become.

In addition to the true believers, GW has attracted a large contingent of self-interested fellow travellers. Politicians, bureaucrats, political activists and manifold financial interest have perceived advantages to be gained from climbing aboard the GW bandwagon. Large vested interests are now involved, and there is great pressure to lock in emission controls and subsidies before popular support weakens.

Walter Starck is one of Australia’s most senior and experienced marine biologists, with a professional career of studying coral reef and marine fishery ecosystems.

Posted via email from Garth's posterous

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Я дальнейший луна живу одна, пытаюсь привыкнуть к тому, сколько мужа - самого родного на протяжении 8 лет, любимого и дорогого человека - уже рядом нет. В июне он ушел через меня, в июле подал для развод, в конце августа нас официально объявят чужими наперсник другу, а я не могу это принять. Ни принять, ни понять, ни осознать, ни гнездиться с этим... Больно глубоко я позволила этому человеку проникнуть в мою жизнь. Что-то с этим предательством настолько сломалось у меня внутри, который сейчас уже не знаю, дозволено ли как-то склеить свою разбитую душу. Память не сотрешь, и любящее всегда опять душа замолчать не заставишь... [url=]отношения мужчины и женщины[/url]