Sunday, December 6, 2009

Alan Jones interviews Christopher Monckton about the draft Copenhagen Treaty

Um, I'm a little hesitant about posting this. Talk about "world government" always makes me uneasy and want to start backing out of the room towards the door.

It's usually the talk of crazy people.

But the overweening ambition disclosed here by the UN is truly disturbing.

It is still only a draft treaty and probably wont survive in the form that it is currently written. However, despite that, there is enough to be not only worried about, but also downright angry about.

What we have here is the same problem that bedevils the European Union - the transfer (or potential transfer) of power from governments that we elect, and therefore have some control over, to unelected and totally unaccountable bureaucrats.

It is this process, this "democracy deficit," that has produced such cynicism and political disaffection across Europe. People feel increasing disconnected from what wields increasing power and influence over their lives.

Anyway, I actually would suggest that people follow the link below and listen to Jones' interview with Lord Monckton.

Posted via email from Garth's posterous

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