Tuesday, July 7, 2009

You are the weakest faith. Goodbye

Turkish television offers a reality show that even I would watch:
A Turkish television show is offering contestants what it claims is the “biggest prize ever”—the chance for atheists to convert to one of the world’s major religions.

The show, called “Tovbekarlar Yarisiyor,” or “Penitents Compete,” features a Muslim imam, a Catholic priest, a Jewish rabbi and a Buddhist monk attempting to persuade 10 atheists of the merits of their religion, according to CNN Turk.

If they succeed, the contestants are rewarded with a pilgrimage to one of their chosen faith’s most sacred sites—Mecca for Muslims, Jerusalem for converts to Judaism, a trip to Tibet for Buddhists and the chance to visit Ephesus and the Vatican for Christians.
That’s a remarkable competition for a Muslim country, and the results (given brave contestants) could be explosively interesting. I’d hope the clerics involved would be instructed not only to tout their own faith’s advantages, but the weaknesses of the alternatives. Heavens, we could do with such a debate right here.

Of course the results are rigged, though. I mean, who wouldn’t prefer to go to Rome?

Andrew Bolt

Ephesus and Tibet (yes, I know) would be my choices. Oh dear, there's a problem.

Posted via email from Garth's posterous

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