Saturday, July 4, 2009

Your tax dollars at work

The waste in the Rudd Government’s stimulus packages grows more astonishing by the day [five separate links here]:
All perfectly predictable. And this isn't a Labor or Liberal thing. Any time a government decides that a lot of money has to be spent quickly you can absolutely guarantee that much of it will be spent badly and wasted.
The trouble is though, all the money that the federal government is throwing about now is borrowed money that we will have to pay back sooner or later.
If it was really going to projects that genuinely improved the productive capacity of our economy and thus improved our ability to pay off what we owe, while helping us through the recession, then this would probably be money well spent.
But building libraries and gyms and whatever else for schools that already have them or don't need them, which is happening across the country, is just racking up debt.
Though what expertise K R Puff'n'Fluff has when it comes to deciding whether the Blessed Mary MacKillop sould be made a saint escapes me!

Posted via email from Garth's posterous

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