Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Green jobs blown in the wind - paying more for less

It just never ceases to amaze me. Our capacity to rush headlong after dreams and mirages that can never come true in the real world that is.
To have governments engaged so disastrously in this, all the while using our money, only makes it worse.
The belief in renewable energy, and that is all it is at the moment, is being pursued without any rigorous analysis or true reckoning of costs versus benefits.
Um, no, it's worse than that even. Everybody who has even glanced at the sums knows they don't add up. They know that we'll have to spend and use more to get less power more infrequently, and yet governments still press on with these absurdly wasteful schemes because they provide "greendressing" for them.

Terry McCrann

June 30, 2009 12:00am

THE expansion of wind and solar 'green power' will waste billions and destroy far more jobs than it supposedly creates.

That is the damning message from what appears to be the first serious analysis anywhere in the world of the actual real world performance and impact of subsidising and force-feeding these very expensive and semi-useless alternative energy sources.
That in itself is damning.

That governments, including both state and federal in Australia, have embarked on massive multi-billion dollar wind and solar schemes, without anywhere engaging in even the most basic analysis of cost.

Let alone, perish the thought, their actual energy effectiveness.
You can search in vain for any serious cost-benefit analysis from our utterly compromised Federal Treasury, which used to be a bastion of reason and intellectual substance.

But is now an institutional apostle of climate hysteria.
Its purported analysis of the impact of cutting emissions was an embarrassing extended 292-page joke.
Indeed, the Treasury homepage announces its new theology of unreason, by actually, linking to this report by blithely unknowingly highlighting the straight-out Wayne Swan and Penny Wong lie with "Australia's Low Pollution Future".
The damning analysis comes from Madrid's Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (King John Charles University).

It is particularly potent because Spain has made arguably the broadest commitment to the construction and production of electricity from these renewable sources.
Click on Terry McCrann to read the full article.

Posted via email from Garth's posterous

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