Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Obama thinks champagne is contaminated?

What a spectacularly stupid thing to say:
This just further heightens my sense that so many of those who most go on about the environment actually know least about it.
Carbon dioxide 'contaminating' our water?
Carbon dioxide is found in water naturally. Always has been and always will be. Water always has a certain amount, depending on its temperature, dissolved in it - the colder the water, the more CO2 that will be held in it. The Earth's carbon cycle is absolutely dependent upon this fact.
(By the way comrades, this is why the ocean acidification scare story is almost certainly rubbish - if the oceans become warmer due to climate change, then their capacity to hold dissolved CO2 decreases as their waters get warmer. They'll hold less CO2 irrespective of any increases in amounts in the atmosphere.)
So what does this scientific illiterate think he is saying? Does he look at a glass of champagne and think to himself, "gosh, that drink is so heavily contaminated?"
Given the fact that he and his wife are rich yuppies, does he look at his expensive naturally "aerated" water and see contamination?
You can't have the fizz of champagne or aerated water without carbon dioxide.
Doesn't Obama understand this? Or is he just not being particularly honest?
Where he is most definitely being dishonest though is in saying that his "legislation is paid for by the polluters."
Bullshit. Completely dishonest bullshit and he knows it. He admitted as much during the election campaign.
Said "polluters" will pass the enormous additional costs they suffer from emissions trading schemes or carbon taxes onto consumers in the form of higher prices for their goods and services.
Whether it is in the USA or here in Australia, it is us ordinary people who are going to pay. And we are going to pay a lot.
Energy bills in the United Kingdom, in part caused by government pandering to the greens, have already increased from around £580 five years ago to £1,243 today. They are expected to hit £5,000 a year by 2020.
As the Powerline blog asks, does Obama just think that Americans are dumb and will swallow this kind of nonsense?

Posted via email from Garth's posterous