Friday, June 12, 2009

Men, if you want children, don't eat steak

Nah, only kidding.
But this once again highlights the kind of pseudo-scientific rubbish that passes for "studies" in relation to health when it comes to epidemiology.
The sample used for this study is not drawn from a properly radomised selection from the general population, but rather - wait for it, you'll never guess - from men attending fertility clinics!
So once again we are presented with conclusions based on the premise that correlation equals causation, but with no real evidence that one causes the other.
Dr John Ray comments at Food & Health Skeptic:
This is a REAL doozy. I don't know how my father had four children, two conceived rather late in life. Like many Australians of his generation, he ate steak every day. And he certainly wasn't big on fruit and vegetables (unless you call beer a vegetable!). Anyway, below it is just the old antioxidant religion again. It's a very small and limited study: Of men attending a Spanish fertility clinic. And how come 31 of them DIDN'T have "reproductive problems"?? Why were they there?

Posted via email from Garth's posterous

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