Monday, August 2, 2010

Maybe the race-baiters of the Left will listen to Hussain Nassir? And no Hussain, it is not right and it is not fair!

Meanwhile, it takes an Iraqi asylum seeker in Indonesia to tell Four Corners what so many ABC journalists have so long questioned - that there is indeed a queue, and boat people are crashing it: 

SARAH FERGUSON: Hussain Nassir and his family are refugees from Iraq, recognised by the UNHCR. They’ve been in Indonesia for three years, waiting for a country like Australia to offer them resettlement… For three years they’ve watched as thousands of asylum seekers have passed through Indonesia on their way to Australia.

HUSSAIN NASIR: These people right now you know when they come in by the boat, they stolen our place and take it our place and the place of my wife and my children so we waiting here, this right? You take a lot of the people from the sea and you keep us for what? So this not right.


Which is no more than many of us have been saying for years. Most Australians don't oppose the boats because of racism or because they are not sympathetic to the plight of asylum seekers. It's that they recognise a con when they see one, (even if many academics and lawyers seem incapable of doing so), and they don't like being conned.

They see the boats for what they are - people with enough money paying others to jump the immigration queue.

Posted via email from Garth's posterous

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